Best Dad Car Jokes That Will Make You LOL

Get ready to hit the road with a laugh as we bring you the funniest and most entertaining dad car jokes for your next drive!

Dad telling car jokes while driving with his son.

Dad Car Jokes

Dad jokes are a staple of family road trips, bringing laughter and groans in equal measure. Whether you love them or love to hate them, dad car jokes have a special place in our hearts.

These light-hearted, pun-filled quips can turn a monotonous drive into an enjoyable journey, keeping everyone in the car entertained and in good spirits.

Fasten your seatbelts for the ultimate collection of dad car jokes to transform your next road trip into a laughter-filled adventure. These jokes are perfect for breaking the monotony of long drives and ensuring that every mile is packed with humor and joy.

What Makes a Great Dad Car Joke?

Before we hit the road with our list of jokes, let’s understand what makes a dad car joke great. These jokes are typically:

  • Simple: Easy to understand and share.
  • Pun-ny: Filled with puns and wordplay.
  • Clean: Suitable for all ages.
  • Light-hearted: Designed to make you smile or chuckle.

Do you have a funny dad car joke that is not on the list? Send it to me, and I’ll add it. Reader’s submissions have an asterisk on them.

The Ultimate List of Classic Dad Car Jokes


Why did the car apply for a job? It wanted to shift gears in its career!

Why was the car always tired? It never took brakes.

What is the best pickup line? Want to hang out in my bed?

What part of the car is the laziest? The wheels, because they are always tired.

What do you call a used car salesman? A car-deal-ologist.

What’s the difference between BMWs and porcupines? Porcupines carry their pricks on the outside.

What is a car’s favorite meal? Brake-fast.

What do you call a Ford Fiesta taking a nap? A Ford Siesta.

What do you call a Ford Fiesta that loves a good party? A car-nival!

What’s a movie they couldn’t make about a Lamborghini? Silence of the Lambs.

Why do cars always have a hard time remembering things? Because they have too much trunk space and not enough brain space!

What happens to a frog’s car when it breaks down? It gets toad!

What do you say to a frog who needs a ride? Hop in!

How does a car keep warm in winter? It puts on a blazer!

Did you hear about the guy who lost his left arm and leg in a car accident? He’s all right now.

Why are pigs bad drivers? They hog the road.

How do you stop your teen from texting and driving? Buy them a Ford Focus.

Why do chicken coops only have two doors? If they had four, they would be called chicken sedans.

What do you call an automobile that tells tall tales? A Ferrar-ious!

What did the bartender say to the jumper cables? You better not start anything.

Where do dogs park their cars? A Barking lot.

Why did the car go to school? To improve its driving skills!

What do you call a dinosaur that crashes his car? Tyranno-saurus wrecks!

What did the traffic light say to the car? Don’t look! I’m changing!

Why did the car break up with the GPS? It was tired of being told where to go!

Why do spark plugs make bad employees? Because they only work when they’re fired.

How do you stop a car from charging? Unplug it!

What did the car say to the traffic light? You changed, man!

What do you get when you put a car and a pet together? Carpet.

What do you call a Mexican who lost his car? Carlos.

What kind of car does Yoda drive? A Toyoda!

Why did the man remove the wheels from his car before a road trip? He wanted to drive tirelessly.

What happens when a frog’s car breaks down? It gets toad away!

Why did the cop pull over the U-haul truck? He wanted to bust a move.

What’s a car’s favorite meal? Brake-fast!

What do you call a Subaru underwater? A Scubaru.

What is a Toyota lover’s favorite food? Taco-mas.

What do electric cars eat for breakfast? Shock-o-late!

What did the car say after the race? “I’m wheely tired!”

Why does it always get dark when Michael goes by?  He drives an Eclipse.

Why don’t cars ever get hungry? Because of all the gas they eat!

What do you call a car that’s a great singer? Auto-Tune!

What has 10 letters and starts with G-A-S? Automobile.

Why was the math book a bad driver? Too many problems!

What did one headlight say to the other? “Your future looks bright!”

How is a golf ball different from a Chevy 350? I can drive a golf ball 300 yards.

Why did the Volkswagen start a band? Because it had the right Beetles!

Why did the tornado say to the sports car? Want to go for a spin?

Why don’t electric cars get good grades in school? They have too many “D” cells!

Why did the car fail at hide and seek? It could never find the right parking spot.

What do you call a car that never stops joking? A car-icature!

What kind of fuel does VIN use? Diesel.

I couldn’t figure out how to fasten my seatbelt. Then it clicked.

Why did the car go to therapy? It had an engine breakdown!

What do cars do at a dance? Brake-dance!

What did the car say after a great day? “That was wheelie fun!”

What do you call a car that’s been decorated for Christmas? A car-ol!

Why was the car scared to park? It had bad dreams of parking fines!

Why did the car go to the gym? To get its pistons pumping!

What kind of vehicle does an egg drive? A Yolks-wagen.

What kind of car does a dog hate? A CorVET.

What do you call a car that decides it wants to be a boat? A car-go ship!

How do cars greet each other? “Hey, nice to wheel you!”

What do you call a group of musical cars? An auto-choir!

What is the best vehicle to drive on May 5th? A Ford Fiesta.

Why do cars never get lost? They always take the best routes!

Why should you always carry peanut butter in your car? In case there’s a traffic jam.

What’s a car’s favorite game show? Wheel of Fortune!

What do you call a car that wants to be a superhero? A caped crusader!

Why does it cost so much to put air in a tire? Inflation.

What happens to a frog’s car when it breaks down? It gets toad!

What kind of snakes are found on cars? Windshield vipers.

What did the electric car say to the gas car? “I’ve got more spark than you!”

What has four wheels and flies? A garbage truck.

What’s a Tesla’s favorite dance move? The electric slide.

What do cars do when they’re sad? They listen to blues-tooth!

What do you call a car that only drives in circles? A roundabout!

What should you do with old car batteries? Give them away free of charge.

What did the sporty car say to the old car? “You can’t exhaust me!”

Where do Volkswagens go when they get old? The Old Volks home.

What’s a car’s favorite game? Bumper cars!

Why did the car go on a diet? It had too much junk in the trunk!

What kind of cars do Cooks drive? Chef-rolets.

What do you call a sleeping bull in a car? A bulldozer!

Why do cars go to school? To improve their drive!

When is a car, not a car? When it turns into a driveway.

What kind of car does a snake drive? An Ana-Honda.

Why did the car join the orchestra? It had a good horn section!

Who drives all their customers away and still makes money? Taxi drivers.

Do you have a funny dad car joke that is not on the list? Send it to me, and I’ll add it. Reader’s submissions have an asterisk on them.


Dad car jokes are simple, pun-filled jokes about cars that are easy to understand and share, often making people laugh or groan.

People love dad car jokes because they are light-hearted, family-friendly, and often bring a sense of nostalgia and fun.

Dad car jokes are clean and suitable for all ages, making them perfect for family road trips.

You can find more dad car jokes in joke books, online joke databases, and by asking around in your family and friends circles.

Yes, dad car jokes are a great way to entertain everyone and make the time fly during long drives.

Conclusion: Best Dad Car Jokes

Dad car jokes are the perfect companion for any road trip. They bring laughter, joy, and sometimes a little eye-rolling.

Whether cruising down the highway or stuck in traffic, these jokes will lighten the mood and make your journey memorable. Their simple, pun-filled humor uniquely connects everyone in the car, turning mundane moments into cherished memories.

So, next time you hit the road, keep this ultimate list of dad car jokes handy and prepare to spread some smiles and laughter. These jokes are not just about passing the time; they are about making every mile enjoyable, ensuring that your road trip is as fun as the destination.

About the author
Carlton Wolf is the author and founder of Auto Cheat Sheet.My name is Carlton Wolf, and I’ve been in the car business since 1994, both retail and wholesale. I created the Auto Cheat Sheet to better educate buyers about the deceptive sales practices many dealerships use nationwide. Please understand that not all car dealers are dishonest. However, you never know who you’ll be dealing with, though. I’m willing to share my knowledge and experience with anyone who listens. Keep in mind that I’m a car guy, not a writer.